Saint Philomena

cover St. Philomena

“Regardless of circumstances, if you are in need of Our Lord’s Graces, and want an intercessor who is known as one of the three “Saints of the impossible” and who is also called “Powerful with God” (and for very good reasons) you may want to make known your needs, of whatever type, to this very powerful Saint.” —                           Mark Matthews, guest columnist for The Remnant

What a great thrill and honor to receive your absolutely beautiful booklets on St. Philomena.  My, they are really beautiful and will be so well received!  What a wonderful gift to our dear saint just in time for her glorious feast day on August 11th.  Patti Melvin Director of The Universal living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena.   web: http://www.PHILOMENA.ORG

A Miracle of Faith

Louis of Mariconeoit, a Frenchman, married an English girl.  The marriage proved to be an ideally happy one.  But the joy was short lived for, after six months, the young bride became seriously ill.  She earnestly longed for the happiness of being a mother but the doctors declared that her state of health made such a thing absolutely impossible.  The young couple came to the neighborhood of Naples in the hope of a cure.  Unfortunately, any little hope they had entertained was soon rudely dispelled.  The patient’s condition grew rapidly worse.  Hearing of the marvelous cures wrought at Mugnano (St. Philomena’s shrine, where her body is kept), she shut herself up one day in her own room and falling on her knees, poured forth this short and fervent prayer to St. Philomena.  “Since my condition is desperate, from the human point of view, and since I have no earthly hope left, I place all my confidence in you and trust that you will cure me for you are powerful in Heaven and are good to all who seek your help.  Despite my sufferings I will go tomorrow to visit you in Mugnano and I will ask you not only to restore me to health but to grant me the blessing of becoming a mother and I will give my child the name of Philomena.  Moreover, I promise to direct all the yearnings of its young heart towards God.”

The following day she visited the Saint’s Shrine and made her prayer with great confidence.  A year after she returned in perfect health and the happy mother of a beautiful child.  Countless mothers like her have to thank St. Philomena for similar favors.

A beautiful 64 page novena booklet with approved article by Mark Matthews for The Remnant in their September issue of 2012 and also from The Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena, 20 different devotions and 27 illustrations for only $7.95

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PREVIEW St. Philomena

4 comments on “Saint Philomena

  1. I have shared this invocation with several friends. St Philomena is a true wonder worker, she has helped myself and associates with life’s difficulties. St. Philomena is very influential with our Lord.

  2. St philomena please pray for me I am an impossible situation I am constantly seeking urgent help but doctors say they cannot help so please st philmena when medics have failed I turn to you in the midst of my pain and suffering when I have despaired with m life and cannot carry on another minute please help

  3. This has to be the most comprehensive, and the most traditional prayer book to Saint Philomena that I have ever come across. The collection of prayers addressed to this great saint is so beautiful, that having this book cannot but help one grow in love of this saint. The art work is beautiful; very many classical art, and some whimsical. Everything adds to the charm and value of this little volume. As a seminarian, I have asked Saint Philomena to see me through, especially at this difficult time and I know of her protection and help.

    Thank you Angelic Psalter for all your great work!

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